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Peace & Love

7 Lessons from 2018

I just want to say that I am happy to see 2018 go! While I am grateful for another year, this was certainly one for the books! Whether you know me personally or not, you will soon learn that I am always seeking the lesson in everything.  Instead of letting it all hang out in a blog post, I decided to share the seven lessons this year taught me. I know that some of you will be able to relate.

Follow you heart

This year started out with a bang. I launched this blog, hosted a few challenges…oh I was in my element. One of my sister-friends and I would speak often about how my passion surrounding health, wellness and sisterhood was so apparent. I made a decision that I had to release some things in order to live a balanced life.

I cannot be the wife and mother I want to be working as much as I do. In addition to caring for my family I worked a full-time job, part-time job and served as an independent contractor. Honey, that was too much! Something had to give.

For nearly a decade I considered  my part-time gig of teaching  technology topics to be my life’s calling. I initiated a discovery and learned that well, that really isn’t my calling.  One layer shed – yes! It was bitter-sweet, but necessary. I give thanks!

I needed to make room for the new blessings…

Acknowledge your mess

Towards the end of the Goddess Body Detox, I was doing some deep reflections, wondering and well…there were many things that I had to acknowledge. There was no way that I could write about and/or help my sisters stay positive, focused and love filled when I wasn’t even doing it. More clearing was necessary.

Diana Ross spearing lipstick on the mirror

There were three acknowledgements that I had to face:

  1. I never took the time to stop, accept and think through what it means to be a parent of a child with special needs.
  2. I never took the time to stop and think through the sudden passing of my father (over a decade ago).
  3. I must speak my truth.

Working through these three mess-balls was quite the journey, but well worth it. I am now looking forward to the future and am actually more motivated than ever. I give thanks!

Depression is Real

Yes, it was quite the journey. I went into some very dark spaces. Though I was never diagnosed formally, I believe that I was experiencing depression. My moods fluctuated. I was irritable. I stopped caring. Allow me to explain that last part. I did not get my hair done for six months, started eating dairy and sweets again and was all together a mess. I cried, was “stuck” at random, started watching pointless TV…it was bad. I withdrew from everyone.

Animation of depression

What this experience taught me is that living is a choice. Everyday I choose to either take up space or create new spaces. This was one of the lowest seasons of my life, but I believe that when we are in the valley the only place to look is up. Well, I am looking up, in and out right now and guess what….I give thanks!

My tribe is amazing

I would be remiss if I did not shout out my tribe. Now, I am not going to shout out anyone by name, because they know who they are. My soul sisters reached out to me to say “Hey” or just to let me know that they were thinking of me. They didn’t know what I was going through because I had withdrawn. Those simple gestures, texts, calls saved my life.

Tribe dancing in celebration

I learned that at some point, I have sown good seeds and at the moment I needed love the most – those seeds blossomed from some beautiful souls. I love you all. Your gestures confirmed that my presence was valuable and that I was loved. Thank you.

Seek ye first the Kingdom

I finished reading the entire Bible this year. My personal interpretations of the scriptures combined with other teachings truly lifted me. I will just leave this here:

Matthew 6:33 – But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

If I am created in the image of the Creator, why not me? Why can’t I? It is possible. I am powerful and all things do work together for the greater Go[o]d.

The truth really does set you free

As I came out of the valley, I noticed that my body was beginning to respond to the lies I was telling myself and the moments when I would withhold the truth.

I am an expressor – a communicator. I became more aware of moments when I would choose not to express in order to “keep the peace”. There was a season where this type of behavior was my norm. Well, that season is over! My body will not allow it. Allow me to explain…

The tension in my body would emerge first in my shoulders, followed by my neck and then if I allowed it to fester long enough – my chest. No ma’am and no sir. If you’re into energy like I am, know that stress/tension in the back, neck or shoulders is related to the fifth chakra or throat chakra. This chakra is related to communication. Are you with me yet?

So basically, I learned that I am allergic to withholding my truth for the sake of anyone’s comfort. Of course discernment will be exercised, but my body can no longer process that mess.

Jada Pinkett Smith nodding

I am my Daddy’s child

I watched my father work and advance his career throughout my childhood and I recall a number of the challenges he faced as a black man in corporate America. Well, let’s just say that I faced some challenges this year.

I encountered nastiness, personal bias and more. Through it all, I maintained professionalism, spoke my truth, asked for what I wanted and guess what…got a promotion. I had to put that whole truth to freedom thing into practice. Ow!

Dancing in celebration

Now that I have been dormant and taken the much needed time to reflect, I am coming out swinging yall! I will be elaborating on a few of these lessons this month as I have already hit you with a pretty lengthy post. I am excited about what the future has in store for me, my family and Queen Rising. Stay tuned…

Peace and Love.



  1. Charlene

    January 18, 2019 at 5:44 am

    Happy New Year and so excited about what’s to come in 2019 for you!!! Fantastic post and I can totally, totally relate, grateful you are seeing the LIGHT and feeling the LOVE!!!

    • admin

      January 23, 2019 at 2:19 am

      Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! <3

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