As we maneuver out way through this thing called life, we may find ourselves placing limits on the possibilities that the Creator has set forth for us. We tend to block our blessings with self-defeating beliefs. Self-sabotage and self-doubt are real. Is it a past decision that has you bound? Is it a family history that has you expecting the worst? Sis, the self-doubt must die.
Don’t you know that the Creator qualifies the called? It’s not the other way around.
You are made from perfection
The Creator does not care about the “mistake” you made in 1999, the issue you’re trying to get through at this moment or the “shame” that has covered your family for decades. When it is your time to shine, no person or circumstance can get in the way of it. There is a calling on your life and you must surrender, release and fly.
I admittedly allowed a bit of doubt to enter my psyche this weekend. It had me second-guessing a recent decision, my life goals, my abilities…everything!
Ledisi Came Through
After surrendering the ‘how’ to the Creator, I rose this morning with a new attitude. I was reminded of a song that described a past season of my life when I was truly living in my purpose. That song is Higher than This by one of my favorites – Ledisi.
I began to trust the Creator for the promises I know are coming. I began to believe in the possibilities and finally I visualized that new season.
Because I use the YouTube Autoplay feature, the next video immediately moved to Part 2 of the live performance. Now, I have listened to this before, but it never got me like it did today. When I tell you I hollered in the car, tears were streaming and my confidence was restored.
WARNING: If you are not prepared to put your face on the floor or quickly clean up your face when someone knocks, do not press play.: If you are not prepared to put your face on the floor or quickly clean up your face when someone knocks, do not press play.
Embrace the Change
Queen, today I want you to know that no matter who comes, goes or stays – everything happens in divine order and for the greater good. That dream that you have had is finally becoming reality. This is what you prayed for. Familiar faces may fade. You may be uncomfortable, but it is all on purpose.
Know that you are made from perfection. Rest in that confidence…that bright light and keep going.
Be Peace. Be Love. Be Free and Fly.