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Why I Love the ‘D’: Energy and Mood

black woman at peace

I am a lover of naps and believe firmly in rest. That being said, the level of exhaustion and depleting energy that I have been experiencing is over the top. The things I used to be able to do, I have little to no capacity for these days and it is so annoying.


I am an overachiever, dreamer and doer of all of the things. Some would call me a busy body. These days, this body is all about resting. My body will not move. My mind cannot get right so that I can take a single dedicated and focused action. It has been a ride!

The truth is, I got tired of being tired – literally. The supplements have made a huge difference. I’m dancing around being silly with my children again. I can focus. There are so many benefits to vitamin D.


These changes have me in a funk. My attitude typically needs an adjustment mid-morning and around 4 – 5pm each day. That is when I am most irritable. To combat this, I take my first dose of Black Girl Vitamins first thing in the morning and my final dose right around 4pm.

It got so bad that I had to apologize to my husband in advance for the ride that we are about to take. I explained that I don’t even know what is going on and I would just need some patience and grace. The question we all want to know is, “Why am I like this?” 

As it turns out, a vitamin D deficiency will have you walking around thinking you are depressed (or something else). In fact, Web MD includes the following (among others) as signs of vitamin D deficiency:

  • Mood changes accompanied by overwhelming feelings of hopelessness, sadness, and hopelessness
  • Fatigue
  • Forgetfulness

I don’t know about you, but I can relate to all three of these for sure. I would get on my nerves so bad that it would make me tired and I would just go to bed.

Can you relate?

Peace and Love.

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