The hot flashes are flashing and the moods are changing like the hours on a clock. Perimenopause is here.
As a woman of a certain age, the transition goes way deeper than a sudden epiphany. To be honest, much of this has been triggered by this new season of life. Because of perimenopause, I have picked up extra weight, noticed changes in skin as well as my mood. My capacity for the bull is at an all time low so much so that I am practically allergic.
Extra weight
Roughly two years ago I went for a routine physical and was appalled by the number shining back at me. Coming off of the heels of a pandemic, wearing jammy pants and leggings for about a year and more at home led to some significant weight gain. I had not seen this number since being pregnant with our third child.
Since that time, I have been intermittently dedicated to releasing the weight. After nearly two years in the game, this year is the year. My year started with a detox and I am committing to low stress, a whole foods plant-based diet, hydration and regular movement.
The good news is that ten pounds have been released (and maintained) thanks to adopting new habits. There are roughly twenty more pounds to go.
The body is not bodying like I need it to and well, change is happening.
Skin changes
Where is my glow? It has evolved into dust, chap and redness. We’re not having this either! Hydration, my new intolerance for bull and lowering my stress levels should certainly help with this.
This is also signaling a long, overdue skin routine. I have been scouring the Internet for black-owned skin care lines/products without shea butter that I can use to help encourage the glow to return.
Mood shifts
The day begins and I am doing well, but by the end of the evening – approximately 5pm – oh, it changes in a downhill type of way. I just want to be alone in the kitchen preparing dinner. Depending on the day, it could happen multiple times. I don’t know if Rose or Dorothy is going to show up at any given moment.
New allergy detected
This new allergy I have has probably been one of the primary reasons that I have been able to release and maintain my new weight – I ain’t for the bull. As an empath, I feel people out a lot – even when I don’t want to.
These feelings result in me thinking through things, journaling, and even processing things that are not mine to carry. Voicing my concerns has not been a default action unless of course I have gone through my “process”. That process basically means that I have toiled over the issue long enough, rehearsed my response long enough and am ready to speak.
Today, I’m over it. If it isn’t mine to carry – it’s gone (for the most part). If I’m no longer being served at the table – I’m getting up. If I make my voice heard and the other party opts not to listen – I move on.
I’m allergic to the bull, baybay!
To all my ladies moving through this season of life, I applaud you. I want you to know that you are not alone. For you, I pray for new and healthy habits, intolerances that serve you well and acceptance of this new and uncharted territory called – perimenopause.
Peace and Love.