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Recap: Royal Reset – Goddess Edition

Self-care is more than bubble baths and flowers.

Self-care is more than bubble baths and flowers.Roughly one month ago, we embarked on another Goddess Body Detox. I was so overdue and was absolutely looking forward to it. I called it the Royal Reset – Goddess Edition. As you know, I invited a few Queens to join me in getting our lives together. Well, I thought it would only be fitting to give you insight on how it went for me and also for the Queens that chose to participate.

For the Queens

In general, we all released weight. On average, those that were diligent with eating habits and water intake alone released an average of ten pounds. I actually saw one of the Queens in person – we’ll call her DM – and her energy was soooooo beautiful. She was light on her feet, glowing and the weight that she released was obvious. She informed me that she was going to continue on for the remaining week. Of the Queens that I saw with my own eyes – I saw the difference – in their physique and presence.

Many of us (including me) struggled with the exercise component. We’ll do something about that though…This is a journey. Overall, everyone enjoyed learning about the benefits of eating a plant-based diet and the experience of challenging self to be better each day. We laughed, got angry after watching a few documentaries and rode this thang out!

My Personal Reflection

Lawwwwwd! This detox was a challenge for me, yall! I’m usually on it. I started out skrong, but er uhhhh…then my emotions took over. Since birthing our third son I have been experiencing highs and lows. Some days I am simply overwhelmed. I “work” all day and all I can think about is “escaping” from the monotony. I want to do and be more for my family. Queen Rising came about for that reason (wanting to do and be more). It is a way to document my journey with the hope of inspiring others. As I learn, heal and grow… I share.

This iteration of the cleanse, I was afforded the opportunity to think deeply and pinpoint a few reasons why I am overwhelmed and begin to do the work to change that.

This Royal Reset experience has helped me to identify the following:

I am what I allow. I allow my time, space and energy to be violated. I don’t say ‘No’ like (or as often as) I should. I am overwhelmed because I give others permission to put my desires last. I grant this permission because I am demonstrating it by the small decisions I make.

I cannot pour from an empty cup. I’m running on fumes and this means that I cannot serve and be the woman, wife and mother I am designed to be. Self-care is more than bubble-baths and flowers – it’s honoring your time and space. It is removing those things, concepts, thoughts and people that do not serve your higher purpose. I have not been a good steward of this and it is wearing on me and my family. Case and point…stress does a job on our immune systems. As a family, we are just getting over the sniffles/congestion.

I am powerful. I like to believe that I have good sense. LOL! When I organize, establish routines and actually abide by them I am jive alright! Because of these unsacred Yesses I have been giving, I am paying for it and diminishing my power. There is power in “No”. There is power in standing in an honest ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.

Giving Thanks!

I am a work in progress and I give thanks to the Creator for giving me the courage to be transparent about this journey right here on this blog. I give thanks for each of you who take the time to read about it and can relate. I am still learning and like they say, “You ain’t living unless you’re learning”. There is a calling on my life and when I release the clutter, I can see, feel and hear my instructions. Give Thanks!

On the last day of the cleanse, I shared with the queens that I would be doing this again in June…dolo (by myself). After chatting with two of my good girlfriends that also participated they gave me some good advice and affirmed my soul’s purpose. EC and BW – thank you! Should I decide to do this with a crew in June, I am now aware of the changes I will make for me and my energy. Give Thanks!

The Royal Reset was more than a detox for me. It was exactly what I called it – a Royal Reset. I am more focused than ever and standing tall in my “No” and “Yes”.  I am grateful for the opportunity and for those that rode this out with me. Thank you!


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