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It’s been a long time…

Blank paper, cards and schedules with watch on a table
Photo by STIL
Blank paper, cards and schedules with watch on a table

Photo by STIL

Peace and Love, beautiful people! Yes, it’s been a long time since I have posted, shared or done much of anything related to Queen Rising. When I have, I give and when I don’t – I won’t. 

Needless to say, the pandemic has shifted so many of us. Our priorities, mindset, definitions of what truly matters, motivation – it has all been pondered and tested during this time. Between virtual schooling, work-life balance, a healthy love life and feeding my own personal wants and needs – this has truly been an exercise of truth. Are you wondering what I’ve been up to? I hope so, because I’m ready to share!

What happened?

Since we last connected I have embarked on more than one journey for sure. I’ll first begin with what I have successfully completed and then we’ll shift into what is actively happening right now. Here are a few new things that took place while I was away:

  • Rites of passage program
  • Acceptance into grad school
  • Childhood education shifts
  • Started a business
  • Organization has become the priority
  • Manifested a self-care regimen
  • Embraced the artist in me
  • Time blocking is bae

Of course the plan is to provide you with more details  as time goes on. I simply wanted to give you an idea of where my focus has been.

Where do we go from here?

The goal for this blog is to inspire, educate and build community surrounding the themes of femininity, wellness and beauty. Women are so magical, strong and interesting. As I embrace organization, you can look forward to more regular posts, a new design for the blog and brand as well as few other fun surprises.

This is my 2021 starter post, but this is certainly not the end. Thank you for reading, wondering and looking forward to what Queen Rising has on the horizon.

Peace and Love.



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