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Peace & Love

2020 Vision: Manifestation part I

Sticky notes on a wall

Our upcoming event, 2020 Vision: Mindfulness, Makeup and Manifestation is soon approaching. Thus far, you’ve read about mindfulness and makeup, but what’s up with the manifestation focus? I’m so glad you asked!


In late 2011, I made the decision to begin my loc journey. On January 3, 2012 I twisted my hair into two-strand twists acknowledging that this was the way that I would enter my loc journey. I had no idea what was in store, but I knew that I would not return to free tresses until the year 2020. Having just overcome a drastic change in my life and celebrated an amazing triumph, I was preparing myself (unknown at the time) for what was to come.

At the time that this decision was made I was:

  • unmarried
  • a mother of one amazing child
  • in a space of inquiry and wonder

The year 2020 represented a year of milestones for me and my family members. Today, I now realize just how significant 2020 truly is. I will not spoil it all here, but know that the Creator knew best. Testimony loading…


I believe in writing things down, speaking life over my circumstances and visualizing my desired outcomes. This level of faith and belief has resulted in a few amazing occurrences for me. From living my childhood dream of owning a salon to being featured in Essence magazine – I believe!

A year or so into my loc journey, my husband and I hosted a small (just the way I like it) New Years Eve gathering at our home. Hosting makes me nervous and so I had to think of something for us to do to keep busy. Vision Boards – that’s it!  Our gathering was similar to a middle school dance in that the men were in their spaces and we ladies  had our own space. I took advantage of it. I had previously purchased boards and gathered my magazines so that we could create. We created our vision boards to take home.

I still have my cute little heart-shaped vision board and am happy to share that nearly everything I placed on that board has manifested and much of it the latter part of this year – leading into 2020.

2020 Vision: Mindfulness, Makeup and Manifestation

During the event, participants will witness a release ceremony, participate in a release activity and craft their own visions for the new decade in the form of vision boards. We’ll also discuss strategies for manifesting these dreams and staying in alignment with your heart’s desires.  For more details regarding the ceremony and activity, be sure to connect with us on Facebook – Epiphany Beauty and Queen Rising. We’re going live this week. Ow!

Peace and Love.


1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Charlene

    December 30, 2019 at 3:06 pm

    Wow, I can’t wait until you share the entire story. I’m super excited about this event and this new year, whoop whoop!!!

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