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I’m coming out of hiding

woman covering face

woman covering face

It’s been awhile. I had to take some time to gather myself, reflect and truly consider this thing called life and how I could make the most of it. The pandemic and years that followed really helped me identify what matters most, where I should exert my energy and my own worth. This is my season to come out of hiding.

My plan is to embrace the changes that are happening and are to come and twirl through them all with confidence, style and a little bit of stank when necessary. Yes, I am optimistic. Yes, I used the word ‘all’ realizing that it may take some practice, prayer and pauses to come to fruition, but I believe nonetheless.

Focal Points

This space encompasses my personal journey through life’s changes with the hopes of offering a bit of inspiration, provoking thought and stimulating action.

Be Peace

Peace – when stated alone it sounds lofty and so very pageant-like. Instead of pontificating about what peace means to us individually and collectively, my personal goal is to become that peace. This is attainable through the cultivation of positive habits, actions and lifestyle changes.

Be Love

Love – the highest frequency and equivalent to God in my book – is amazing. Much like peace, I will identify ways to become the love I seek and that for which I yearn.

Be Free

Being free from our own shortcomings, the self-perceived need to be validated, self-sabotage and more is a part of this journey. Releasing the baggage, toxic connections/habits and the comfort of enduring _______ must go.


We do the internal work, release the weight and become lighter and rise. We can not only fly (the action) and experience our light beam nature, but we can do it while fly (ow!). I’m talking fashion, artistic expression and embracing our own unique styles. Forget trends, name brands and things – let’s twirl in our uniqueness.

Please understand that this work never ends so long as we all shall live. Motivation and capacity ebbs and flows as we move through this life and to be quite honest – sometimes we just are not feeling it. I’m here for it all!

Stay tuned for more regular posts as I work to define what coming out of hiding means to me. My hope is that you will rejoin this Queen Rising movement and community where we take the necessary actions to be peace, be love, be free and fly!

Note: When I’m ready for photos and other media, you’ll see them in my posts. For now…[Debo voice] this my blog, punk!

Peace and Love.


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