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The Vitamin M Box

The Vitamin M Box logo

The Vitamin M Box logoFor the life of me I have wanted to be a subscriber of a beauty box. Sure, I found a few that peaked my interest, but I never bit the bullet and subscribed. I was concerned about receiving products and/or items that I just would not use. Fast forward to April 2017. I heard about the Vitamin M Box from a homie of mine…actually the creator of the subscription box – Kerry. Because I am a huge supporter of my folk, I just had to subscribe and I am soooo happy that I did!

I have been a proud subscriber since the launch of the subscription box and as a budgeting beauty lover that is a little too busy to be perusing online shops and things this subscription box satisfies my beauty fix. I know and trust Kerry’s sense of style and quality. Truth be told I still have an item or two in my closet that I “borrowed” from her in years past! As a fashion designer, former fashion blogger, and undeniable fashionista I trust her choices wholeheartedly. I have not been disappointed and I am four boxes in. Here are a few fun facts about the Vitamin M Box:

  • All box content is created by minority-owned businesses.
  • The ‘M’ in Vitamin M stands for melanin
  • On a quarterly basis a portion of sales is donated to a charity.
  • Boxes begin at $35/month for  a subscription
  • You can purchase gift boxes at $40 per box

Each month the box carries a theme and she often ‘spills the tea’ on the content of each box via her Facebook and Instagram pages. Check out this uncut video of my very first unboxing of the very first Vitamin M Box (May 2017) where the theme was beauty.

Look forward to more unboxing videos and/or photos as each month passes.



1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Charlene

    September 8, 2017 at 1:31 am

    Great post and unboxing video on the Vitamin M Box, thanks for sharing! I wasn’t sure what this subscription box was all about but I’m glad to know it supports Black-Owned Businesses. Definitely adding this to my future ‘to do’ list to give it a go! ??

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