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Self-care is health care

Love yourself first

Love yourself firstI have an accountability partner. She’s my homie. I love me some her! At the beginning of this month we agreed to write down a list of things that we wanted to get done by the end of this quarter. We chat weekly with a goal to complete three goals per week. During our weekly chats we share not only the goals we completed (or not), but also those goals on which we have made progress. If you don’t have one…get an accountability partner! We are not put on this earth to do everything alone. This is something I had to learn and now I embrace help and value friendship on a level that I never have before.

Okay, so fast forward to one of my goals…I acknowledge that self-care is critical for my well-being. I am a wife, mother, work all day and I must ‘fill my tank’ before I am able to give and share with those that I love. We cannot give what we do not have. One of my goals for this quarter was to create a self-care plan. Guess what…I did that! It is really simple to use and truly is a list of things that I either currently or aspire to do for my own sanity. My plan includes the things that make me feel like a beautiful woman and soul.

Here’s the part where you are expecting to see a link or button taking you to the self-care plan, right? Well, not so fast! I have a beautiful group of sisters that I call the OGs. They test my ideas and provide feedback before I share with the masses. So, this self-care plan is debuting with the OGs first. We begin our 7-day self-care challenge on Monday, July 31st. I’ll be posting to update you on this process and sharing our experiences. Oh, I am so excited!

In the meantime, I challenge you to come up with your own self-care plan. Ask yourself what have I done for me lately?

Janet Jackson 'What have you done for me lately?'


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