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Review: What the Health

What the Health
What the Health Film

What the Health When I heard about the new documentary entitled What the Health I was immediately intrigued. I love documentaries and especially those related to health and wellness!

Moments into the film, I was floored. This is not a spoiler post because I want you to view the film on your own, but I will highlight a few general questions that you should consider prior to watching the film:

  • What are your beliefs about consumption of meat?
  • What are your beliefs about eating a plant-based diet?
  • Do you believe a relationship exists between the medical industry and pharmaceutical industry?
  • Do you believe a relationship exists between non-profit organizations and large ‘food’ corporations?

Now that you have considered those questions, please take the time to watch the film. It will challenge your norms, beliefs and may even force you to question your level of trust as it relates to the world in which we live.

Here are a few surprising facts from the film that blew my mind:

  • Diabetes is not caused by eating a high carbohydrate diet or sugar
  • Eating one egg per day is just as bad as smoking five cigarettes per day for life expectancy
  • Milk does not build strong bones

Are you intrigued yet?

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