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Mornings in March

Journal entry
Photo by Rachel Lynette French
Journal entry

Photo by Rachel Lynette French

As a wife, mom of three, full-time employee, independent contractor, quasi-consistent friend and most importantly beautiful soul, I have found that mornings are my sacred time. Outside of the early morning hours I am committed to caring for others, working or my mind is consumed with one of the aforementioned items. The morning hours give me a moment to have peace and quiet – before the first marital rollover, and before the first “Mama” of the day. There are no phone calls, text messages – nothing. Just me and the Creator.

My alarm goes off at 4:45am. After a moment of gratitude, I rise, shower and scurry to the first floor of our home. I lay on the couch, play my meditation of the day, do breathwork and maybe a little exercise. For fifteen minutes or so I am connected, quiet and feeling peace.

I want more for the month of March. The month has almost ended, but my desire is still strong. I envision a warm cup of tea, journalling and yoga. And so, I am going to do it! With seven days remaining in the month of March, I am going to incorporate tea, journalling and yoga into my days. While mornings are optimal, I am going to give myself grace and accept these three items into my day for the next seven days.

Book of the Month: Becoming

Honeyyyy…ain’t nothing change! LOL! Well, in addition to reading this book I am also reading Up From Slavery with my sixteen-year-old.

Song of the Month: ‘Choices’ by Julie Dexter

Manifestation is happening. I will share the details once this gut feeling comes to fruition. This song is by Julie Dexter and I felt it was appropriate for this life shift that is currently taking place. This life we live is all about choices. Each day, each moment we make decisions. Much of it is a choice. Choose happiness. Choose gratitude. Choose forgiveness. Choose Love.

Do you have a morning ritual? How do you make it work for you? What are you doing?

Peace and Love.

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