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The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom

The Four Agreements

The Four AgreementsI am a thinker. Anytime I can carve out the time to read a good, thought-provoking book…oh the joy! I was put on to this book by a lovely lady by the name of Alexandria. When I found out that this was the selected text, I didn’t know what to think. I had never heard of Don Miguel Ruiz nor the concept of The Four Agreements. As a bright-eyed member of the club, I just hauled it on over to Barnes and Noble and purchased my book.

The beginning of the book was very high level as it references the Creator in an unfamiliar context to me, but I can appreciate it. I am sharing this with you because should you opt to read the book, I don’t want you to be discouraged by the beginning. Keep going…

The book goes on to articulate The Four Agreements, which the author describes by way of well written stories and great examples. The four agreements per Ruiz are:

  1. Be impeccable with your word.
  2. Don’t take anything personally.
  3. Don’t make assumptions.
  4. Always do your best.

This book was shared with me at such a perfect time. The concepts shared in this text shifted my approach to a number of things, relationships and life in general. Today, I can say that this is by far one of my favorite books!

Have you read it?


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