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June Reset: Getting back to me in 2023

A new year is typically the perfect time for a reset. Vision boards, goals, resolutions – those things sound like the typical ‘new year, new me’ dialogue we are accustomed to hearing. Yes, I have been there and done that. I set goals in January to move my body and finally release this baby weight (so what if he is five years old).


After being consistent for a few months, life happened and it all stopped. Progress was made, halted and reversed. Well, that ends now!

Here we are in June with six months remaining in the year and I am setting a new goal – I am getting back to me in 2023.

What are we getting back to?

While the snap-back would be a glorious fete, this is not just a physical, weight-loss thing. This journey encompasses all facets of me – the soul, the mother, the wife, the friend and even the fashionista – Ow!


I am tired of being frumpy, fluffy and glued to a computer. While my introverted self loves being indoors – it’s time to play outside. While I will not bore you with all of my ventures in this single post, know that this month is all about purging.

June Reset

My sister and I began with a fruit and vegetable day yesterday and today is the first day of my two-day juice cleanse. After giving my body some time (a day or two), I will once again indulge in a twenty-eight day detox courtesy of Goddess Body.

In addition to the physical and inner work, I also plan to allow the artist within me to emerge. Through a series of posts, I will share my progress.

Stay tuned….

Peace and Love

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