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Juice the pounds away

Days 2 and 3 of June the focus was on a juice cleanse. This was my very first juice cleanse and it went over very well. Over the span of two days, I released 3.6 pounds.



Veggieblends, a new juicing company located in North Carolina, crafts some of the most delicious juices! Having already tried the sample packs, I opted for the juice cleanse (and another sample pack) this time around. The sample pack was used as a decoy to keep my family from drinking my liquid breakfast, lunch and dinner. Everyone from grown-ups to our five-year-old loves these juices. The decoy worked!


The juices are made fresh, frozen and shipped. Packed with frozen bricks, cute and classic bottles and sometimes customized with your name, these juices are such a treat for my family.

The Cleanse

On the first day. of the cleanse, I decided to lay low as I did not know how my body would respond. My water goal was met and I consumed the Kale Blend for breakfast, another for lunch and the Beets blend for dinner.

Day Two was somewhat different as I started with the Kale Blend for breakfast, Supergreens for lunch and Beets for dinner. Once again, my water goal was met for the day. Because the first day went by so smoothly, I did opt for some physical activity via the GroWithJo app and it was amazing!


What I loved most about these juices (aside from the taste) were the ice chips, which kept me from drinking the juice too fast and actually gave me something to savor and bite down on. It was an entire experience and I will be doing it quarterly.

This was a wonderful way to reset and get me going for the Goddess Body Detox. I am currently in Day 5 of the detox and will update you on the progress soon.



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