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My Infallible Green Smoothie Recipe

Green Smoothie Success

Green Smoothie SuccessWith roughly one month remaining until our child is born, I made a decision to “do right” in terms of my eating. Three days in a row this week (Sunday, Monday and Tuesday) I managed to consume a green smoothie for breakfast. While I have tried a number of green smoothies through challenges and recipes found online, there is one that I just cannot quit. The great thing about this one is that I created it myself and everyone in the house loves it!


  • 2 – 3 handfuls of baby spinach
  • Roughly eight ounces of RW Knudsen Pineapple Coconut Juice
  • Roughly 1 cup of freshly cut pineapple
  • Generous sprinkling of black chia seeds

Throw this yummy goodness into your blender and go!

I use mason jars to store mine and even splurged on the straws and lids to be cute. The reason why I was so successful in consuming my smoothies this week is because I batch blended. Instead of lying to myself and proclaiming that I would get up earlier each morning to blend a fresh smoothie each morning, I blended three smoothies and placed them into mason jars on Sunday morning. It felt great to just grab a jar, my cute little lid and straw and go.

Give it a try and let me know what you think!


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