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Queen Kenyada

Queen Kenyada

Queen KenyadaPeace Queens!

As the creator of the blog, it would only be right if I started of this Queen celebration by sharing my journey with you. This royal journey began in 2009.

2009 was the year that I proclaimed “Enough!” I was tired of living a mediocre life. I was tired of walking around in the fog. I was tired of not walking in my own truth for the sake of employers, significant others, “friends” and even family. I had to define what “success” meant to me on my own terms.

During this season I pressed pause on a long-term relationship, left my job with good benefits and retreated. I went back home, started a business and discovered who I am. Within a year or so, I was back on my feet, running a quasi-successful blog and business and being the best mother I could be. I began to exercise the right and privilege of saying “No”, walking in my truth and accepting nothing less than I deserved.

As a result of my faithful and consistent walk, I have since been blessed with a fruitful marriage, more children, features in Essence and Heart & Soul magazines, news appearances, conference speaking/presentation engagements and so much more.

While I am unsure of what this season will bring, I trust that it will be nothing short of amazing. I feel it in my soul. Thank you for joining me on this journey.

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