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Our third son

hospital picA little over a week ago we welcomed our third son. The weeks leading up to his birth I was reminded of the power that we as women are given – the power to give birth, to bring forth life and serve as the safe space for a developing soul/being. Wow! If you ever question your worth or womanhood, think on that thing for a moment. We are amazing.

Together my husband and I created this innocent being, this beautiful soul. We are charged with caring for and shaping this little guy’s future. Being a parent is such an honor. We don’t know what to expect,  but trust that everything we need is already within us. The Creator would not give us something that we cannot handle.

Self-care is more important to me now than ever before as I must balance giving in four directions outside of myself. Self, Husband and three sons respectively.

With my eldest son, I smothered my feminine energy because I did not want him to emulate my mannerisms. I discounted the power in femininity and took on a more masculine role and mannerisms. That was a season of drama. I was so out of balance!

With our middle son, I absorbed myself in him. So much so that one day my husband had to force me to take a nap. He told me I had black under my eyes from lack of sleep. I was so absorbed into this new life that I wasn’t even looking in the mirror, yall!

I refuse to repeat those things. I will take time for myself. I will honor me first and everything else will follow.

Sometimes as mothers we conduct ourselves as if there is some award for “Mother with the most sacrifices”. It is not okay and we have to stop. Take care of you! We cannot pour from an empty cup.



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