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A few recommendations for Dove

It has been quite some time since I have purchased Dove products. I have sensitive skin and before researching ingredients I simply accepted eczema, breakouts and skin abnormalities as something I had to deal with. Prior to my research and lifestyle change Dove (sensitive skin variety) was my go-to.

For me to “pen” a post claiming that I am boycotting this line of products because of their most recent marketing fail would be misleading.

Failed Dove Ad

In lieu of working to form a boycott via this blog, I thought it would be best to suggest a few recommendations for the company.

Recommendation #1: Diversify

DiversifyWhile I am not clear of the composition of the Dove marketing team, I believe it is safe to assume that diversity could be improved. If that team were diverse enough, someone may have caught the disaster also known as the most recent marketing campaign where an African-American woman transforms into a white woman. The beautiful thing about diversity is that we become exposed to perspectives and experiences that we would not otherwise consider. Someone could have stopped this from happening.

Recommendation #2: Focus Groups

Focus GroupNot a novel concept, but consider acquiring feedback from a diverse group of people that represents your target market. Your focus group could be in the traditional sense or you could connect with bloggers and everyday women that you can count on to give you honest feedback. Again, the theme here is diversity.

Recommendation #3: Do your homework

Pears Soap AdGiven the racial tension in the USA today, anytime you plan to press forward with a marketing campaign that includes a visual as sensitive as skin color please know that this is a very risky move. Although your most recent campaign was designed to embrace all women (and I do see that), know that the many did not get past the transition from black woman to white woman. It is reminiscent of the classic ads claiming to wash the black off of individuals.

Keeping all things fair, this is not the first questionable campaign and it is important to note that Dove has done some successful campaigns as well.  This most recent debacle could have been easily avoided.


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